[Rpm-ecosystem] Trying to understand %buildsubdir and debuginfo generation

Jeff Johnson n3npq at me.com
Fri Apr 27 03:13:10 UTC 2018

On Apr 26, 2018, at 7:27 PM, Jason L Tibbitts III <tibbs at math.uh.edu> wrote:

>>>>>> "JJ" == Jeff Johnson <n3npq at me.com> writes:
> JJ> You are unlikely to achieve any joy trying to set or change its
> JJ> value.
> I'm trying to comprehend how you came to the conclusion that I wanted to
> change its value.
 I did not say you wished to change he value. You did ask about %buildsubdir, and since this is not just a convo between thee and me, I provided the usual caveat emptor boilerplate.

> JJ> I know of no reason why a -debuginfo package needs a %build
> JJ> section.
> Well, what I'm seeing is that the generation of debuginfo sections
> requires a %build section to be present

Note that the macro definitions you are trying to understand are not from rpm itself (so you perhaps should be consulting with other SME's than me).

> JJ> What is much more likely is that you have some odd ordering
> JJ> of scriptlet sections,
> Well, it goes %prep, %build (empty), %install, %check, %files and
> %changelog.  As far as I know, that's the normal ordering for a Fedora
> specfile.

Good. I guessed at unusual behavior causes, nothing more.

> JJ> [...] because -debuginfo packages are just an invisible subpackage
> JJ> where existing section markers are overloaded to insert -debuginfo
> JJ> sub package info (which -- iirc from 15yo memory -- happens with
> JJ> %prep, not %build, but ICBW)
> Yes, I know.  It happens in %install, not %prep.  I even included the
> macro definition where it happens in my message.

Talk to whomever decided that there was a need to overload %install with a test on %buildsubdir.

I -- as the person responsible for the original rpm -debuginfo subpackage generation implementation -- can not think of any reason why there is a need to overload %install with a test on %buildsubdir.

But perhaps I'm in the early stages of senility. Oh well ...

God luck!


73 de Jeff
> - J<

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