[Rpm-ecosystem] RPM Spec Wizard

Miroslav Suchý msuchy at redhat.com
Wed Feb 2 08:46:00 UTC 2022


I want to point out that the RPM SPEC Wizard


has got a nice front page. Finally. Thank to Jakub K. And I updated links to the documentation. Therefore I think it is 
about time to be proud of it and tell user about it.

The ideal user of this wizard is a developer who never created an RPM package and want to start with one. The developer 
do not want to read a documentation and they want to start coding right now.

The wizard guides you through and if you are interrested in, you can follow various link to documentation.

I will be glad if you share it with your newbie user base.

I have various ideas how to enhance it. It may get additional features in the future. If you have ideas or you spot an 
error, please file it here



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