[Rpm-ecosystem] [v2] Testing the Dependency Chain (w/ Behave)

Pavel Odvody podvody at redhat.com
Fri Aug 28 17:05:28 UTC 2015


I've pushed an updated branch to the git repo [1], which now implements
the tests on top of the Behave framework. One test is currently
converted to the new specification (test-1). 

Example run:

$ ./test-launcher.py test-1
Running test:
Starting container:
 docker run -i -v /richdeps-docker/repo:/build:Z -v /richdeps-docker/features:/behave:Z pavelo/richdeps:1.0.0 test-1

Feature: Richdeps/Behave test # behave/test-1.feature:1
  TestA requires (TestB OR TestC), TestA recommends TestC
  Scenario: Install TestA from repository "test-1"    # behave/test-1.feature:4
    Given I use the repository "test-1"               # behave/steps/test_behave.py:51
    When I "install" a package "TestA" with "dnf"     # behave/steps/test_behave.py:61
    Then package "TestA, TestC" should be "installed" # behave/steps/test_behave.py:71
    And package "TestB" should be "absent"            # behave/steps/test_behave.py:71

1 feature passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped
1 scenario passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped
4 steps passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped, 0 undefined
Took 0m5.615s

[1]: https://github.com/shaded-enmity/richdeps-docker/tree/behave-integration
Pavel Odvody <podvody at redhat.com>
Software Engineer - EMEA ENG Developer Experience
5EC1 95C1 8E08 5BD9 9BBF 9241 3AFA 3A66 024F F68D
Red Hat Czech s.r.o., Purkyňova 99/71, 612 45, Brno

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