How do I install an entire directory under /var with rpm

Michael Barto mbarto at
Wed Nov 5 18:22:22 UTC 2008

I am at total confused. Look though several example, to try to create a 
spec file to install some simple shell scripts in a specified directory 
location (e.g. /var/q-statusLinux) to collect data (no compiled program 
required). I can update the package registered, but can not make rpm 
install the program. I want to more this around on several servers. Here 
is my simple spec file. What Am I missing?

My tar-gz file for the spec file consist of the entire directory with 
the collection scripts, I wish to install (e.g. 
q-StatusLinux-5.10.tar.gz). I want this code directory installed under 
/var (e.g. /var/q-statusLinux). Can rpm do this or does it only work 
with c-code?  If it can how do I make this happen?

# RPM Spec file for q-StatusLinux 5.10
# No debuginfo:
#%%define debug_package %{nil}

%define _topdir  /home/mbarto/rpm
%define _tmppath %{_topdir}/tmp

%define name      q-statusLinux
%define summary   q-Status Linux Collections Scripts for Server Client.
%define version   5.10
%define release   Base
%define license   GPL
%define group     Applications/System
%define source    %{name}-%{version}.tar.gz
%define url
%define vendor    LogiQwest
%define packager  Michael Barto
%define buildroot %{_tmppath}/%{name}-root

Name:      %{name}
Summary:   %{summary}
Version:   %{version}
Release:   %{release}
License:   %{license}
Group:     %{group}
Source0:   %{source}
BuildArch: noarch
Requires:  filesystem, bash, grep
Provides:  %{name}
URL:       %{url}
Buildroot: %{buildroot}

Collection scripts for q-status, a Web 2.0 based server analysis and
configuration program that places at the system administrator's finger 
tips the
ability to display and analyze the hardware and software for their servers.

%setup -q



rm -rf %{buildroot}

*Michael Barto*
Software Architect

	LogiQwest Circle
LogiQwest Inc.
16458 Bolsa Chica Street, # 15
Huntington Beach, CA  92649

	    	mbarto at <mailto:mbarto at>
Tel:  714 377 3705
Fax: 714 840 3937
Cell: 714 883 1949

*'tis a gift to be simple*
This e-mail may contain LogiQwest proprietary information and should be 
treated as confidential.

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