remove an installed rpm during rpm -i

Tim Born timborn at
Mon Nov 24 18:34:02 UTC 2008

Barry -

'Conflicts' expresses the (negative) dependency.  This will prevent an 
RPM from being installed if the conflict exists.

I don't believe RPMs go off an uninstall other RPMs as part of their 
installation process, but I've been surprised before.


> glibc.spec:Conflicts: texinfo < 3.11
> glibc.spec:Conflicts: binutils <
> glibc.spec:Conflicts: gcc < 2.96-79

Barry R Cisna wrote:
> Hello List,
> I've looked high and low and all the .spec file examples do not show how
> to do this IF it is at all possible. How could I do an .spec file entry ,
> possibly
> %pre   --- something
> to parse the rpm database and if a particular rpm is found to be installed
> it will be uninstalled during the rpm install process? This is so my
> rpmbuild/ rpm -ivh does not conflict with a few already exsiting /bin
> files.
> I am rolling a few binaries  into my rpm that would conflict with already
> installed .rpm. I'm just trying to make this as streamlined as possible.
> Thanks,
> Barry
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