I *need* a way to ignore dependencies in my rpm spec file.

Panu Matilainen pmatilai at laiskiainen.org
Sun Oct 26 09:17:59 UTC 2008

On Mon, 20 Oct 2008, Jennis Pruett wrote:

> Hi All,
> I have an rpm .spec that used to use
> AutoReq: 0
> AutoReqProv: 0
> to ignore meaningless dependencies.
> I know I do NOT need the dependencies that are listed, and I have to
> get this rpm build for a system install.
> I know the whole idea is to address dependencies, but sometimes there
> are exceptions to the rule.
> Anyone able to tell me how this can be done *within the rpm .spec*?

"AutoReq: 0" (which you say you "used to use") in the spec disables all 
automatic dependency extraction. If you want more fine-grained operation, 
a) don't package the file(s) that brings in the unwanted dependencies
b) remove executable bit from the file(s) that have the unwanted
    dependencies, rpm only extracts dependencies of files with executable
    bit set
c) use custom find-requires script to filter the results

 	- Panu -

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