Using "/" as prefix in spec file

Thawan Kooburat kthawan at
Wed Jan 20 21:34:32 UTC 2010


I am packaging a software that follows FHS file layout. So my RPM has
3 top-level directories which are /etc, /usr and /var

However, I get a request to covert it into a relocatable RPM.
According to the guides I found, this must be done by creating 3
prefixes for my case, and user must use --rellocate to specify new
location for each prefix.

Anyway, I am curious that why shouldn't I use "/" as a prefix. So that it
might be easier to install and I don't have to handle to many cases in
post-installation script. I test build such package and it seems to
work as I expected.

However, I couldn't  find any package or any guide that use this
option. Is there a serious side effect with this solution?

Thawan Kooburat

Graduate Student
Department of Computer Science
Tel: (608) 628-1384

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