RPM Help

Greg_Swift at aotx.uscourts.gov Greg_Swift at aotx.uscourts.gov
Mon Jul 26 22:06:49 UTC 2010

> We are currently using Sun Solaris Packaging to deliver to our
> customer. We will be transitioning to x86 red hat linux and I am
> investigating RPM. Currently we use clearcase and we produce derived
> objects (mostly exe and libs) and data files for delivery and
> installation. In much of the material I have seen about RPM there is
> a %build portion in the package. We will not need to build on the
> receiving system only install. Does anyone have an example of an rpm
> that only does the installation part of the process? Also are there
> other packaging tools for linux even if they involve cost? I will
> need to do a small trade study.

The %build and %install portion of the spec for building an RPM are just
for the building of the RPM, and only occurs when the RPM is built.  For a
compiled application in the %build section you would run your configure and
make bits, and then in the %install section you could run make install and
do any further manipulations to place the files as necessary.  For a web
application you could have nothing in the %build section, and use the
%install section to place all the files as necessary.

There are several useful resources that would be good reading to get


And then very good ones once you delve further:


There are other packaging methods (I think InstallAnywhere does some
horrible dark voodoo) but if you are using Red Hat you are best off
learning RPM.


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