Rpm-list Digest, Vol 75, Issue 2

rarob at travelinglightfarm.net rarob at travelinglightfarm.net
Thu Jun 17 12:41:21 UTC 2010

> Message: 6
> Date: Wed, 16 Jun 2010 13:10:25 -0700
> From: JD <jd1008 at gmail.com>
> To: General discussion about the RPM package manager
> 	<rpm-list at lists.rpm.org>
> Subject: Re: Recursive list of required packages for kickstart
> Message-ID: <4C192FB1.1010700 at gmail.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
> On 06/16/2010 11:30 AM, James Antill wrote:
>> On Wed, 2010-06-16 at 14:09 -0400, rarob at travelinglightfarm.net wrote:
>>> Hello all,
>>>    I'm trying to generate a minimal list of required packages in order
>>> to
>>> install a particular software package (which itself consists of several
>>> packages).  Does anyone have a script (shell or python preferred) that
>>> when given one or more package names, generates a list of the other
>>> packages that would be required to install it?
>>>    I know I can do 'rpm -Uvh --test<package names...>' to generate a
>>> list
>>> of packages that are missing and would need to be installed before I
>>> can
>>> install '<package names...>, but I'm looking for something that would
>>> tell me the exhaustive list of all required package names.  So far my
>>> google-fu has been lacking....
>>   The usual way I do this on F-13 is:
>> yum install mypkg --instalroot=/tmp/test-install-mypkg --release=13
>> ...that'll give you the list of packages and the size (according to the
>> rpms) they'll take when installed. You can even run the command to get
>> the exact installed size.
> Nice idea - except rarob is not looking for the size but
> the minimal list of required deps.
> Why not pass the output through a script that will keep only
> the names of the required packages (including their versions),
> then pipe it through sort and pipe that through uniq
> and you're done.
> Finally, in the output of uniq,
> If you see same package name listed more than once,
> then the required version numbers are not the same -
> which means you have 2 or more packages that require
> package X of different release versions.


Pardon the slightly mangled reply - I should have specified that I was
receiving this as a digest...

James - thank you, this goes a long way to what I was looking for.  I did
find a SourceForge project (rpmorphan) that gave a similar list.  I was
getting frustrated when I tried to do a manually recursive 'rpm -q
--requires' on my RPMs, when I kept getting dependencies on files (example
/bin/sh) vice packages names.  Both your suggestion and rpmorphan dealt
with this.

Panu - the size info is useful as well.  My customer was specifically
asking for the list of packages that could be specified in a Red Hat
kickstart file to build a usable system, using the smallest possible list
of packages from the stock ISO, so size is useful.

I'm somewhat curious however, in that neither rpmorphan or the yum command
included things like 'kernel' as a required package.  I would have thought
that this would have been required *somewhere*.  Or do the rpm dependency
lists make certain assumptions that the system you are installing on has a
certain minimal set of RPMs already installed?

Thanks again...


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