confused about %config file directive

Jeff Johnson n3npq at
Mon Jun 21 14:00:38 UTC 2010

Hi Tim!

On Jun 2, 2010, at 3:30 PM, Tim Mooney wrote:

> - package the custom apache config files in my-apache-config (having them
>  marked as %config or %config(noreplace)).

The subtlety with %config(noreplace) is to understand that "noreplace"
does NOT mean
	Never upgrade a %config(noreplace) file.
but rather
	Upgrade %config(noreplace) files iff unmodified.

Two other notes:

  1) there is also --replacefiles to override _ALL_ %config directives
     whenever desired.

  2) Jos Vos has been able to use RPM triggers to replace config file
     content. Its a bit tricky to get the triggers in place (Jos
     proposed the original RFE for triggers -> RPM in 1998), but
     triggers are likely the soundest means to attempt to replace
     (and maintain persitently through upgrades) config file content
     in another package.

Hmmm, likely time to implement a per-file %config override in RPM,
now that POPT_ARG_ARGV exists (an easy means to collect multiple paths
from CSV option arguments or multiple option values),
as well as POPT_ARG_BITSET (a Bloom filter bit set for option
arguments in CSV's and multiple options).



73 de Jeff

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