description and summary not updated for firefox rpm unless renamed

Greg_Swift at Greg_Swift at
Mon Aug 8 22:05:20 UTC 2011

rpm-list-bounces at wrote on 08/08/2011 11:51:45 AM:
> On 08/08/2011 12:36 PM, Stuart D. Gathman wrote:
> > How are you displaying the summary/description of the resulting RPM? I
> > suspect you are picking up the original package.
> That's what I was thinking too, but I've even tried removing the package
> from my system before building and querying and the problem is the same.
> I've tried displaying the information four ways:
> rpm -qi --specfile firefox.spec              # query the spec
> rpm -qip firefox-4.0.1-2851.cdmo.x86_64.rpm  # query the rpm
> rpm -qi firefox                              # after installing it
> less firefox-4.0.1-2851.cdmo.x86_64.rpm      # view the rpm metadata
> All four have the same problem.

can you provide the spec?

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