spec conditions

Marten Lehmann lehmann at cnm.de
Sat Jun 11 21:14:21 UTC 2011


> %if %{edition}==shared
> %define pkg_conflict service-premium
> %define pkg_summary "shared edition"
> %define pkg_description "lim_procs=24"
> %elseif %{edition}==premium
> %define pkg_conflict service-standard
> %define pkg_summary "premium edition"
> %define pkg_description "lim_procs=64"

thanks, good idea. How can I use multiple lines for the description? Is 
it possible to write

%define pkg_description "lim_procs=64
second line"

or at least

%define pkg_description "lim_procs=64\nsecond line"?

Kind regards

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