having problems wrapping a simple jar file in rpm

Greg_Swift at aotx.uscourts.gov Greg_Swift at aotx.uscourts.gov
Mon Mar 21 19:53:06 UTC 2011

rpm-list-bounces at lists.rpm.org wrote on 03/21/2011 10:39:40 AM:

> No.  I did not get a response to this question from this list.

I'd like to apologize.. i somehow missed the response to my spec file
suggestion.  I just took your failed spec file and built it on my system
and found what I think is the issue.  It was missing the BuildRoot
definition.  by adding that I was able to build a package that seems to
meet your requirement.  Here it is:

Summary: Maximus utility for handling everything
Name: maximus
Version: 2.0.0
Release: 1
License: GPL
Source0: PWMP-EJB.jar
Group: Development/Tools
BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-buildroot

Maximus utility for handling everything - just leave it to Max.



mkdir -p %{buildroot}/home/mark/
echo %{buildroot}
cp %{SOURCE0} %{buildroot}/home/mark/

rm -rf %{buildroot}


echo -e "i am in postrun \n"



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