upgrade from rpm 4.4 to 4.8

Łukasz Tasz lukasz at tasz.eu
Thu Feb 23 11:03:05 UTC 2012

Welcome all list users!

In our project we are using rpmbuild to package our software and provide it
as rpm.

We are planing to upgrade from rpm 4.4 to 4.8.
To build our rpm, I'm creating custom rpmmacros which is sourced in custom
rpmrc which is passed with --rcfile option.

rpmrc is like:
include: globalrcfile
macrofiles: globalmacros:myCustomMacroFile

I foundout this mechanism does not work for rpm 4.8, looks like macrofiles
is ignored at all. I tried to use --macros but lot of the global macros,
variables, was not prepared correctly.
My requirement is to set, overwrite some global macros, but I require
mechanism which works under 4.4 and 4.8.

I tried to use --define which works fine in case of simple variables, but
when I owervrite e.g %debug_package command line call is not acceptable,
anyway it leads to some escaping issue.

thanks a lot for suggestions

best regards

Łukasz Tasz
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