update rpm DB from a text file

Ravi Sankar ravisankar.g at gmail.com
Fri Jan 27 10:57:54 UTC 2012

Hi list,

I have a situation where, the (rpm & deb) packages installed in my Linux
system are updated manually without using rpm or dpkg provided tools.
However, after the update we need to sync the respective DB of rpm or dpkg
to reflect the latest version, maintainer tags etc.

I know how to achieve this using dpkg for deb files.

Can someone give a pointers on how to achieve this for rpm files?

I was thinking in the lines of,
1. extract the metadata from each upgraded rpm files to a text file. (
probably rpm -qip <.rpm> ?? )
2. modify the rpm DB data using the consolidated text file.

Is this possible with existing tools?

Ravi Sankar Guntur.
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