Problem with installing Informix with RPM

Greg Swift gregswift at
Tue Oct 9 14:13:35 UTC 2012

On Tue, Oct 9, 2012 at 2:38 AM, Eran Ben Natan <eranb at> wrote:
> I have an RPM that installs Informix 11.70.FC5.

I never got into the 11.70 release with my package, so not sure if it
adds some increased difficultly or changes.

> In the %post script I call the Informix installation script in silent mode:
> ./ids_install -i silent -DLICENSE_ACCEPTED=TRUE
> For some reason the script hangs after the installation completes and is not
> exiting. Running ids_install from console is working fine.
> The installer displays a progress bar during installation, I don't know if
> that’s has an effect.

So I have a few discussion points on this.

1: Why are you doing the install in %post rather than in %install?
Doing it in %install adds the following
     a: only have to run the ids_install once (on rpm build host)
     b: the RPM is more standards compliant (no text output, or
creating files in a %post section, etc)

2: Have you looked at their 'new' RPM?  I'm not sure I trust it just
yet, but depending on what you are doing it could save a lot of

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