is there any chance rpmbuild exits before reading %files file

Mark Galeck (CW) mgaleck at
Thu Jan 24 09:10:25 UTC 2013

Hello, thank you for your reply!

There is no %build or %install section.  The only section is 

%files -f %{name}.files

-----Original Message-----
From: rpm-list-bounces at [mailto:rpm-list-bounces at] On Behalf Of Eran Ben Natan
Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2013 10:35 PM
To: General discussion about the RPM package manager
Subject: RE: is there any chance rpmbuild exits before reading %files file

Is it possible that you delete the file in the %build or %install? 
Can you post the %files section?
BTW, when I moved to rpmbuild 4.8.0 many of the issues I had with rpmbuild solved. 

-----Original Message-----
From: rpm-list-bounces at
[mailto:rpm-list-bounces at] On Behalf Of Mark Galeck (CW)
Sent: Thursday, January 24, 2013 12:27 AM
To: rpm-list at
Subject: is there any chance rpmbuild exits before reading %files file


I am using rpmbuild command version on Linux, with the following syntax

rpmbuild -bb --define <defines> --target ppc-linux --buildroot <full path to a temp directory <spec file>

The rpmbuild command fails with this message

Could not open %files file <file in the %files section>: No such file or directory

I did carefully examine the situation and as far as I can tell, the file in question, is present before rpmbuild starts executing.  After rpmbuild exits, that file is immediately deleted.

Could it possibly happen, that somehow rpmbuild is executing "in the background", as if, returning early, and then still reading the file in %files.

Is there any chance of this happening?

Thank you,

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