%config(noreplace) *AND* %verify directives for the same file

Anders Wegge Keller awegge at gmail.com
Thu Sep 5 10:45:58 UTC 2013

Sorry for not including that information. While looking for that, I
discovered that the real problem was %verify(owner group mode), where owner
isn't valid. So after chnging that to user, it lookslike it works.

I'll go hide under a rock in shame over wasting peoples.

2013/9/5 Panu Matilainen <pmatilai at redhat.com>

> On 09/05/2013 12:51 PM, Anders Wegge Keller wrote:
>> Is it possible to use both directives %config and %verify for the same
>> file? And if so, how? Adding both directives to the same line yields an
>> error, and having two lines in %files for the same file, yields a
>> complaint
>> about the file being listed twice.
>> The reason I want to do this, is as follows:
>> At my work, we use rpm to pack files for a high-level machine control
>> system. Some of the configuration files are supposed to be editable on the
>> target system, without that being flagged as an verification error. But
>> they must be there, so if there isn't a file in place already, we want the
>> template distributed in the rpm package to be put in place.
>> If the combination of %verify and %config is not possible, I'd appreciate
>> an idea about how to accomplish the same thing, with a minimum of
>> complications.
> Combination of %config and %verify is quite widely used. In other words,
> it is possible and known to work.
> There's insufficient details to even guess what the problem might be:
> 1) what is the exactly %files line you're using?
> 2) what is error message are you getting?
> 3) what rpm version is being used?
>         - Panu -
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