conflicts when file changed from 32bit to 64bit

Paul Becker pbecker at
Tue Mar 15 17:05:00 UTC 2016

I changed one binary file in the RPM from 32bit to 64 bit and now RPM seems to think it is an all new RPM
and will not update the previous RPM version. RPM complains about file conflicts and if I force
the install, it keeps the previous RPM installed and I have to remove it manually.

Is there a way I can make this RPM with a new 64 bit binary properly update the previous RPM installed
that had a 32bit binary in it?

yum info still says 32 bit on both the new RPM and the previous RPM.

  Arch        : i386

The only change between the latest RPM and the previous RPM is the binary file and release version string that was
incremented by one.


Paul Becker
pbecker at<mailto:pbecker at>

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