directory conflicts between packages

Tim Mooney Tim.Mooney at
Fri Mar 24 04:32:11 UTC 2023


It seems the rpm that's part of RHEL 9 behaves differently from
previous versions of RPM with regard to multiple packages that claim the
same directory.

This particularly impacts perl modules, where two unrelated perl modules
may both want to install files into a subdirectory.  For example,
perl-Test-A and perl-Test-B may not have any dependency relation between
them, but they may both deliver files into


For years, under previous versions of RPM, the recommendation was that
both packages should claim a directory with %dir.  Based on my reading
of the Fedora perl packaging guidelines, that's *still* the

At least on RHEL 9, though, with rpm, that's treated as an error:

 	Error: Transaction test error:
   file /usr/local/lib64/perl5/5.32/auto/Test from install of perl-Test-Exception-0.43-1.x86_64 conflicts with file from package perl-Test-Pod-1.52-1.x86_64
   file /usr/local/share/perl5/5.32/Test from install of perl-Test-Exception-0.43-1.x86_64 conflicts with file from package perl-Test-Pod-1.52-1.x86_64

With that error in mind, what's the modern recommendation for packaging
directories that may be used by multiple unrelated packages?


Tim Mooney                                             Tim.Mooney at
Enterprise Computing & Infrastructure /
Division of Information Technology    /                701-231-1076 (Voice)
North Dakota State University, Fargo, ND 58105-5164

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