[Rpm-maint] Current TODO

James Bowes jbowes at redhat.com
Tue May 29 13:13:39 UTC 2007

On Tue, 29 May 2007 10:47:16 +0100, Paul Nasrat wrote:
> 4.5 and beyond
> --------------
> Janitorial work:
> - clean up old junk like workarounds of -95 era (g)libc bugs etc
> - use glib/glibc (string manipulation, memory handling etc) facilities
> instead 
>   of internal versions from -95 era 
> - audit and clean up user visible strings
> - clean up the build process (auto*-stuff, compiler warnings)

+1. I'm sufficiently motivated to work on RPM, but the particulars of
how it uses the autotools are peculiar enough to stop me.

> - use mkstemp() instead of mktemp() everywhere
> - refactor those 800+ line monster functions into something more
> digestable
> - split popt to separate project
> - remove internal file/libmagic?
> - remove internal lua?

I looked at this a while ago, and it didn't seem very possible, given
that upstream versions have moved on and changed some of the methods
available to lua scripts. Though it would be possible if the distros
shipping rpm shipped the external old lua as well as current lua, but
then compiling rpm could get tricky.

> Python:
> - audit error handling in bindings (eg ts.addInstall() does not report
> back
>   failures from rpmtsAddInstallElement())

It would be nice to be able to say hdr.name as well as the current
hdr['name'] in python.

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