[Rpm-maint] Error during rpmbuild
guillaume.bernard at u-bordeaux2.fr
Fri Nov 9 11:25:05 UTC 2007
I've made a software to retrace network activies. I want to create RPM of my project in order to put all my files scripts in a same document. Moreover, rpm permit me to check requires dependances of my project.
I've installed on my computer rpmbuild, then I've create directories for building my own rpm. After that, I've built specs file like that:
%define name metronet
%define version 0.6
%define release rc22%{?dist}
Summary: A complete network monitoring solution
Name: %{name}
Version: %{version}
Release: %{release}
License: GPL
Group: Utilities/System
Packager: Guillaume BERNARD <bernardg at enseirb.fr>
URL: http://www.cri.u-bordeaux2.fr/
Source0: %{name}_SCRIPTS.tar.gz
Source1: %{name}_WEB.tar.gz
BuildRoot: /var/tmp/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-root-buildroot
Requires: postgresql >= 8.0 postgresql-devel postgresql-contrib postgresql-libs perl >= 5.8 httpd >= 2.0 php >= 5 php-pgsql
metronet is a complete solution which can monitor big network like University Bordeaux2.
# Pour decompresser egalement archive secondaire
%setup -q -a 1 -n "metronet"
#si le makefile installe rien
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_bindir}/
mkdir /opt/metronet/
#cp /%{name}-%{version}/* /opt/test/
* Tue Oct 29 2007 Guillaume BERNARD <bernardg at enseirb.fr> 0.5-1misc
- initial release
### eof
My project didn't have to be compile. Source0 contain perlSCRIPTS and Source1 web files.
So I haven't write in my specs file the makeinstall. Just rpmbuildroot creation. I've understand %files macro assure the copy of files in the system user, but on final I've only one file in /var/tmp (rpmbuildroot)
Can you help me to understand my error(s)?
Thanks for advance.
Guillaume BERNARD
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