[Rpm-maint] Removing repackage and (auto)rollback?

seth vidal skvidal at fedoraproject.org
Tue Feb 19 13:46:01 UTC 2008

On Tue, 2008-02-19 at 10:45 +0200, Panu Matilainen wrote:
> Before anybody asks: I actually do think that ultimately rpm should be 
> able to support reliably rolling back transactions. It's just that the 
> current repackage+rollback combo fails to deliver it, as there's no way to 
> undo script actions.
> So... I'm considering axing the rollback and related code out of rpm, two 
> somewhat separate parts here:
> 1) Configurable repackaging of on-disk contents on erasure, manual 
> rollback from cli. While not terribly intrusive, it's in my view an 
> unsupportable feature because it fails to deliver reliable rollbacks and 
> cannot be fixed (because of the fundamental issue with scriptlets 
> doing things outside rpm's control).

+1, until we get a handle on rewinding scriptlets or just controlling
what items are used I don't see a good reason to complicate rpm's code
with extra bits that we cannot recommend using.

> 2) Automatic rollback on failed transaction. Conceptually it's an awfully 
> nice feature, but as it's based on 1) which is unreliable to begin with... 
> To make matters worse, it's a feature that practically nobody uses, tests 
> or works on (James Oden who wrote the feature is in "the other rpm" camp 
> AFAIK) and which non-trivially complicates the transaction code for a 
> practically unused (and unusable) feature.

clearly +1 due to its need for 1)


I only speak for me

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