[Rpm-maint] [draft] spec file unification: autotools based projects

Pavol Rusnak prusnak at suse.cz
Fri Jul 18 13:19:25 UTC 2008

Stanislav Brabec wrote:
> Attached script changes all references to %{_libdir} form. It is far
> from being perfect, but it helps a bit.

By choosing the right order of replacements we could use less rules to 
have the same effect. I'm attaching a modified script.

Best Regards / S pozdravom,

Pavol RUSNAK                                       SUSE LINUX, s.r.o
Package Maintainer                                Lihovarska 1060/12
PGP 0xA6917144                                     19000 Praha 9, CR
prusnak[at]suse.cz                                http://www.suse.cz
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