[Rpm-maint] First experiments with complex dependencies

Michael Schroeder mls at suse.de
Mon Aug 4 16:47:37 UTC 2014

Hi rpm-maint,

attached is a hackish version that implements complex dependencies
for rpm. It's just meant as starting point for a real implementation,
so don't be too cruel on the code. It seems to kind of work,
although I haven't done excessive testing.

Complex dependencies are encoded as simple string in the name
field, and with RPMSENSE_COMPLEX set. The patch insists on all
complex deps starting with '(' and ending with ')', so that there
can be no compatibility issue with old dependencies.

Word parsing in a complex dependency is slightly different: a ')'
with no matching '(' terminates the word. That's so that people
can write "Requires: (A OR B)" and don't need extra spaces.

I implemented the AND, OR, and IF operator, multiple AND and OR
ops may be chained (but you may not mix ops, e.g. (A AND B AND C)
is ok, but (A AND B OR C) needs extra parens).

I'm not very proud of having three different parsers for complex
deps (in rpmds.c, parseReqs.c, and rpmdb.c), this is something
that really should be unified.


Michael Schroeder                                   mls at suse.de
SUSE LINUX Products GmbH,  GF Jeff Hawn, HRB 16746 AG Nuernberg
-------------- next part --------------
diff --git a/build/parseReqs.c b/build/parseReqs.c
index 1427111..e63c974 100644
--- a/build/parseReqs.c
+++ b/build/parseReqs.c
@@ -32,8 +32,20 @@ const char * token;
     { NULL, 0 },
+static struct OpComp {
+const char * token;
+    int op;
+    int chainable;
+} const OpComparisons[] = {
+    { "AND", 1, 1 },
+    { "OR", 2, 1 },
+    { "IF", 3, 0 },
+    { NULL, 0, 0 },
 #define	SKIPWHITE(_x)	{while(*(_x) && (risspace(*_x) || *(_x) == ',')) (_x)++;}
 #define	SKIPNONWHITE(_x){while(*(_x) &&!(risspace(*_x) || *(_x) == ',')) (_x)++;}
+#define	SKIPNONWHITEX(_x){int bl = 0; while(*(_x) &&!(risspace(*_x) || *(_x) == ',' || (*(_x) == ')' && bl-- <= 0))) if (*(_x)++ == '(') bl++;}
 static int checkSep(const char *s, char c, char **emsg)
@@ -45,6 +57,209 @@ static int checkSep(const char *s, char c, char **emsg)
     return 0;
+struct ComplexDep {
+    /* simple literal */
+    char *N;
+    char *EVR;
+    rpmsenseFlags Flags;
+    /* complex literal */
+    struct ComplexDep *lit;
+    int op;
+    struct ComplexDep *oparg;
+static void freeComplexDep(struct ComplexDep *cd)
+    _free(cd->N);
+    _free(cd->EVR);
+    if (cd->lit)
+        freeComplexDep(cd->lit);
+    if (cd->oparg)
+        freeComplexDep(cd->oparg);
+    free(cd);
+static char *strjoin(char *s, char *s2)
+    char *ns = xmalloc(strlen(s) + strlen(s2) + 1);
+    strcpy(ns, s);
+    strcat(ns, s2);
+    free(s);
+    return ns;
+static char *formatComplexDep(struct ComplexDep *cd)
+    int oldop = 0;
+    char *s = strdup("(");
+    while (cd) {
+	if (cd->lit) {
+	    char *ns = formatComplexDep(cd->lit);
+	    s = strjoin(s, ns);
+	    free(ns);
+	} else {
+	    s = strjoin(s, cd->N);
+	    if (cd->EVR) {
+		s = strjoin(s, " ");
+		if (cd->Flags & RPMSENSE_LESS)
+		    s = strjoin(s, "<");
+		if (cd->Flags & RPMSENSE_EQUAL)
+		    s = strjoin(s, "=");
+		if (cd->Flags & RPMSENSE_GREATER)
+		    s = strjoin(s, ">");
+		s = strjoin(s, " ");
+		s = strjoin(s, cd->EVR);
+	    }
+	}
+	if (!cd->op)
+	    break;
+	if (cd->op == 1)
+	    s = strjoin(s, " AND ");
+	if (cd->op == 2)
+	    s = strjoin(s, " OR ");
+	if (cd->op == 3)
+	    s = strjoin(s, " IF ");
+	if (!oldop || (oldop != 3 && cd->op == oldop)) {
+	    oldop = cd->op;
+	    cd = cd->oparg;
+	} else {
+	    char *ns = formatComplexDep(cd->oparg);
+	    s = strjoin(s, ns);
+	    free(ns);
+	    cd = 0;
+	}
+    }
+    s = strjoin(s, ")");
+    return s;
+struct ComplexDep *parseComplexDep(rpmSpec spec, const char **rp, char **emsg, int oldop)
+    struct ComplexDep *cd;
+    const char *r, *re, *v, *ve;
+    cd = xmalloc(sizeof(*cd));
+    memset(cd, 0, sizeof(*cd));
+    r = *rp;
+    SKIPWHITE(r);
+    if (*r == '(') {
+        r++;
+        cd->lit = parseComplexDep(spec, &r, emsg, 0);
+	if (!cd->lit) {
+	    freeComplexDep(cd);
+	    return 0;
+	}
+    } else {
+        re = r;
+        SKIPNONWHITEX(re);
+        cd->N = xmalloc((re-r) + 1);
+        rstrlcpy(cd->N, r, (re-r) + 1);
+        /* Parse EVR */
+        v = re;
+        SKIPWHITE(v);
+        ve = v;
+        SKIPNONWHITE(ve);
+        re = v; /* ==> next token (if no EVR found) starts here */
+        /* Check for possible logical operator */
+        if (ve > v) {
+          const struct ReqComp *rc;
+          for (rc = ReqComparisons; rc->token != NULL; rc++) {
+            if ((ve-v) != strlen(rc->token) || !rstreqn(v, rc->token, (ve-v)))
+                continue;
+            if (r[0] == '/') {
+                rasprintf(emsg, _("Versioned file name not permitted"));
+                freeComplexDep(cd);
+		return 0;
+            }
+            cd->Flags |= rc->sense;
+            /* now parse EVR */
+            v = ve;
+            SKIPWHITE(v);
+            ve = v;
+            SKIPNONWHITEX(ve);
+            break;
+          }
+        }
+        if (cd->Flags & RPMSENSE_SENSEMASK) {
+            if (*v == '\0' || ve == v) {
+                rasprintf(emsg, _("Version required"));
+                freeComplexDep(cd);
+                return 0;
+            }
+            cd->EVR = xmalloc((ve-v) + 1);
+            rstrlcpy(cd->EVR, v, (ve-v) + 1);
+            if (rpmCharCheck(spec, cd->EVR, ve-v, ".-_+:%{}~")) {
+                freeComplexDep(cd);
+                return 0;
+            }
+            /* While ':' and '-' are valid, only one of each is valid. */
+            if (checkSep(cd->EVR, '-', emsg) || checkSep(cd->EVR, ':', emsg)) {
+                freeComplexDep(cd);
+                return 0;
+            }
+            re = ve;    /* ==> next token after EVR string starts here */
+        }
+        r = re;
+    }
+    SKIPWHITE(r);
+    if (*r && *r != ')') {
+        const struct OpComp *oc;
+        v = r;
+        ve = v;
+        SKIPNONWHITE(ve);
+        for (oc = OpComparisons; oc->token != NULL; oc++) {
+            if ((ve-v) != strlen(oc->token) || !rstreqn(v, oc->token, (ve-v)))
+                continue;
+            break;
+        }
+        if (oc->token == NULL) {
+            rasprintf(emsg, "unknown op '%.*s'", (int)(ve - v), v);
+            freeComplexDep(cd);
+	    return 0;
+        }
+        if (oldop && oc->op != oldop) {
+            rasprintf(emsg, "cannot chain different ops");
+            freeComplexDep(cd);
+	    return 0;
+        }
+        if (oldop && !oc->chainable) {
+            rasprintf(emsg, "cannot chain op");
+            freeComplexDep(cd);
+	    return 0;
+        }
+        cd->op = oc->op;
+        r = ve;
+        cd->oparg = parseComplexDep(spec, &r, emsg, cd->op);
+	if (!cd->oparg) {
+            freeComplexDep(cd);
+	    return 0;
+	}
+    }
+    SKIPWHITE(r);
+    if (!cd->op) {
+        if (*r != ')') {
+            rasprintf(emsg, "unterminated");
+            freeComplexDep(cd);
+	    return 0;
+        }
+        r++;
+    }
+    *rp = r;
+    return cd;
 rpmRC parseRCPOT(rpmSpec spec, Package pkg, const char *field, rpmTagVal tagN,
 	       int index, rpmsenseFlags tagflags)
@@ -123,6 +338,23 @@ rpmRC parseRCPOT(rpmSpec spec, Package pkg, const char *field, rpmTagVal tagN,
 	Flags = (tagflags & ~RPMSENSE_SENSEMASK);
+	if (r[0] == '(') {
+	    struct ComplexDep *cd;
+	    char *cdf;
+	    r++;
+            cd = parseComplexDep(spec, &r, &emsg, 0); 
+            if (!cd) {
+                goto exit;
+            }
+            re = r;
+	    cdf = formatComplexDep(cd);
+	    if (addReqProv(pkg, nametag, cdf, NULL, Flags | RPMSENSE_COMPLEX, index)) {
+		rasprintf(&emsg, _("invalid dependency"));
+		goto exit;
+	    }
+	    _free(cdf);
+            continue;
+	}
 	 * Tokens must begin with alphanumeric, _, or /, but we don't know
 	 * the spec's encoding so we only check what we can: plain ascii.
diff --git a/lib/depends.c b/lib/depends.c
index 7fd3986..b8a6bf1 100644
--- a/lib/depends.c
+++ b/lib/depends.c
@@ -619,6 +619,42 @@ retry:
     if (!adding && isInstallPreReq(dsflags) && !isErasePreReq(dsflags))
 	goto exit;
+    if (dsflags & RPMSENSE_COMPLEX) {
+        rpmds ds1, ds2; 
+	char *emsg = 0;
+        int op = rpmdsParseCplxDep(dep, &ds1, &ds2, &emsg);
+            if (emsg) {
+                rpmdsNotify(dep, emsg, 1); 
+                free(emsg);
+            }
+            goto unsatisfied;
+        }
+	/* an IF on a conflict is actually just an AND */
+	if (op == RPMCPLXDEPOP_IF && rpmdsTagN(dep) == RPMTAG_CONFLICTNAME)
+        if (op == RPMCPLXDEPOP_IF) {
+            rc = unsatisfiedDepend(ts, dcache, ds2);
+            if (rc) {
+                ds1 = rpmdsFree(ds1);
+                ds2 = rpmdsFree(ds2);
+                rc = 0;
+		rpmdsNotify(dep, "(complex)", 0);
+                goto exit;
+            }
+        }
+        rc = unsatisfiedDepend(ts, dcache, ds1);
+        if ((rc && op == RPMCPLXDEPOP_OR) || (!rc && op == RPMCPLXDEPOP_AND)) {
+            rc = unsatisfiedDepend(ts, dcache, ds2);
+        }
+        ds1 = rpmdsFree(ds1);
+        ds2 = rpmdsFree(ds2);
+        if (rc) 
+            goto unsatisfied;
+	rpmdsNotify(dep, "(complex)", 0);
+        goto exit;
+    }
     /* Pretrans dependencies can't be satisfied by added packages. */
     if (!(dsflags & RPMSENSE_PRETRANS)) {
 	rpmte *matches = rpmalAllSatisfiesDepend(tsmem->addedPackages, dep);
@@ -670,7 +706,10 @@ unsatisfied:
     } else {
 	/* dependency is unsatisfied */
 	rc = 1;
-	rpmdsNotify(dep, NULL, rc);
+	if (dsflags & RPMSENSE_COMPLEX)
+	    rpmdsNotify(dep, "(complex)", rc);
+	else
+	    rpmdsNotify(dep, NULL, rc);
@@ -689,7 +728,7 @@ static void checkDS(rpmts ts, depCache dcache, rpmte te,
     ds = rpmdsInit(ds);
     while (rpmdsNext(ds) >= 0) {
 	/* Filter out dependencies that came along for the ride. */
-	if (depName != NULL && !rstreq(depName, rpmdsN(ds)))
+	if (depName != NULL && !rstreq(depName, rpmdsN(ds)) && !(rpmdsFlags(ds) & RPMSENSE_COMPLEX))
 	/* Ignore colored dependencies not in our rainbow. */
diff --git a/lib/rpmdb.c b/lib/rpmdb.c
index b6d3247..295ec7f 100644
--- a/lib/rpmdb.c
+++ b/lib/rpmdb.c
@@ -2032,6 +2032,74 @@ int rpmdbRemove(rpmdb db, unsigned int hdrNum)
     return 0;
+static const char *collectComplexDep(const char *p, ARGV_t *argvp)
+    p++;
+    for (;;) {
+	while (risspace(*p))
+	    p++;
+	if (!*p)
+	    return p;
+	if (*p == '(') {
+	    p = collectComplexDep(p, argvp);
+	    if (*p != ')')
+		return p;
+	    p++;
+	} else if (*p == ')') {
+	    return p;
+	} else {
+	    const char *ps = p;
+	    int bl = 0;
+	    while ((*p) && !(risspace(*p) || (*p == ')' && bl-- <= 0)))
+		if (*p++ == '(')
+		    bl++;
+	    if (p > ps) {
+		char *name = rstrdup(ps);
+		name[p - ps] = 0;
+		argvAdd(argvp, name);
+		free(name);
+	    }
+	    while (risspace(*p))
+		p++;
+	    if (*p == '>' || *p == '<' || *p == '=') {
+		while (*p == '>' || *p == '<' || *p == '=')
+		    p++;
+		while (risspace(*p))
+		    p++;
+		while ((*p) && !(risspace(*p) || (*p == ')' && bl-- <= 0)))
+		    if (*p++ == '(')
+			bl++;
+	    }
+	    while (risspace(*p))
+		p++;
+	    if (*p && *p != ')') {
+		while (*p && !risspace(*p) && *p != ')')
+		    p++;
+	    }
+	}
+    }
+static rpmRC updatecplxdep(dbiCursor dbc, const char *str,
+                           struct dbiIndexItem_s *rec,
+                           idxfunc idxupdate)
+    int n, i, rc = 0;
+    ARGV_t argv = argvNew();
+    collectComplexDep(str, &argv);
+    n = argvCount(argv);
+    if (n) {
+	argvSort(argv, NULL);
+	for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
+	    if (i && !strcmp(argv[i - 1], argv[i]))
+		continue;	/* ignore dups */
+	    rc += idxupdate(dbc, argv[i], strlen(argv[i]), rec);
+	}
+    }
+    argvFree(argv);
+    return rc;
 static rpmRC tag2index(dbiIndex dbi, rpmTagVal rpmtag,
 		       unsigned int hdrNum, Header h,
 		       idxfunc idxupdate)
@@ -2098,6 +2166,13 @@ static rpmRC tag2index(dbiIndex dbi, rpmTagVal rpmtag,
 	rc += idxupdate(dbc, key, keylen, &rec);
+	if ((rpmtag == RPMTAG_REQUIRENAME || rpmtag == RPMTAG_CONFLICTNAME) && *(char *)key == '(') {
+	    if (rpmtdType(&tagdata) == RPM_STRING_ARRAY_TYPE) {
+		const char *str = rpmtdGetString(&tagdata);
+		rc += updatecplxdep(dbc, str, &rec, idxupdate);
+	    }
+	}
diff --git a/lib/rpmds.c b/lib/rpmds.c
index e1a6315..94967f2 100644
--- a/lib/rpmds.c
+++ b/lib/rpmds.c
@@ -1251,10 +1251,252 @@ rpmFlags rpmSanitizeDSFlags(rpmTagVal tagN, rpmFlags Flags)
-	extra = Flags & _ALL_REQUIRES_MASK;
+	break;
+	extra = Flags & RPMSENSE_COMPLEX;
     return (Flags & RPMSENSE_SENSEMASK) | extra;
+static const char *skipComplexDep(const char *p)
+    p++; 
+    for (;;) {
+        while (risspace(*p))
+            p++;
+        if (!*p)
+            return p;
+        if (*p == '(') {
+            p = skipComplexDep(p);
+            if (*p != ')') 
+                return p;
+	    p++;
+        } else if (*p == ')') {
+            return p;
+        } else {
+            int bl = 0; 
+            while ((*p) && !(risspace(*p) || (*p == ')' && bl-- <= 0)))
+                if (*p++ == '(') 
+                    bl++;
+        }
+    }
+static const char *makeSimpleDep(rpmds ods, const char *dstr, rpmds *dsp)
+    const char *n, *ne, *e = 0, *ee = 0; 
+    int flags = 0; 
+    rpmds ds;
+    const char *p = dstr;
+    int bl;
+    bl = 0; 
+    while ((*p) && !(risspace(*p) || (*p == ')' && bl-- <= 0)))
+        if (*p++ == '(') 
+            bl++;
+    n = dstr;
+    ne = p;
+    while (risspace(*p))
+        p++;
+    for (;; p++) {
+        if (*p == '>')
+            flags |= RPMSENSE_GREATER;
+        else if (*p == '=')
+            flags |= RPMSENSE_EQUAL;
+        else if (*p == '<')
+            flags |= RPMSENSE_LESS;
+        else
+            break;
+    }
+    if (flags) {
+        while (risspace(*p))
+            p++;
+        e = p;
+        while ((*p) && !(risspace(*p) || (*p == ')' && bl-- <= 0)))
+            if (*p++ == '(')
+                bl++;
+        ee = p;
+    }
+    flags |= rpmdsFlags(ods) & ~(RPMSENSE_SENSEMASK | RPMSENSE_COMPLEX);
+    ds = singleDS(ods->pool, ods->tagN, 0, 0, flags, 0, 0);
+    if (ds) {
+	if (!e)
+	    e = ee = n;
+	ds->N[0] = rpmstrPoolIdn(ds->pool, n, ne - n, 1);
+	ds->EVR[0] = rpmstrPoolIdn(ds->pool, e, ee - e, 1);
+	if (ds->pool != ods->pool)
+	    rpmstrPoolFreeze(ds->pool, 0);
+    }
+    *dsp = ds;
+    return p;
+rpmCplxDepOp rpmdsParseCplxDep(rpmds dep, rpmds *leftds, rpmds *rightds, char **emsg)
+    rpmCplxDepOp op = 0, chainop = 0;
+    const char *chainstart;
+    const char *dstr = rpmdsN(dep);
+    const char *p = dstr;
+    rpmsenseFlags flags = rpmdsFlags(dep);
+    rpmds ds;
+    const char *pe;
+    *leftds = *rightds = 0;
+    if (*p++ != '(') {
+	if (emsg)
+	    rasprintf(emsg, "Complex dependency does not start with '('");
+        return RPMCPLXDEPOP_ERROR;
+    }
+    while (risspace(*p))
+        p++;
+    if (*p == '(') {
+        /* sub-dependency */
+        pe = skipComplexDep(p);
+        if (*pe != ')') {
+	    if (emsg)
+		rasprintf(emsg, "Unterminated complex dependency: '%s'", p);
+        }
+        pe++;
+	ds = singleDS(dep->pool, dep->tagN, 0, 0, flags, 0, 0);
+	if (ds) {
+	    ds->N[0] = rpmstrPoolIdn(ds->pool, p, pe - p, 1);
+	    ds->EVR[0] = rpmstrPoolId(ds->pool, "", 1);
+	}
+	*leftds = ds;
+	p = pe;
+    } else if (*p == ')') {
+	if (emsg)
+	    rasprintf(emsg, "Empty complex dependency");
+    } else {
+	p = makeSimpleDep(dep, p, leftds);
+    }
+    while (risspace(*p))
+        p++;
+    if (!*p) {
+	if (emsg)
+	    rasprintf(emsg, "Complex dependency does not end with ')'");
+	*leftds = rpmdsFree(*leftds);
+        return RPMCPLXDEPOP_ERROR;
+    }
+    if (*p == ')') {
+        if (p[1]) {
+	    if (emsg)
+		rasprintf(emsg, "Junk at end of complex dependency");
+	    *leftds = rpmdsFree(*leftds);
+            return RPMCPLXDEPOP_ERROR;
+        }
+    }
+    for (;;) {
+        pe = p;
+        while (*pe && !risspace(*pe) && *pe != ')')
+            pe++;
+        op = 0;
+        if (pe - p == 3 && !strncmp(p, "AND", 3))
+            op = RPMCPLXDEPOP_AND;
+        if (pe - p == 2 && !strncmp(p, "OR", 2))
+            op = RPMCPLXDEPOP_OR;
+        if (pe - p == 2 && !strncmp(p, "IF", 2))
+            op = RPMCPLXDEPOP_IF;
+        if (!op) {
+	    if (emsg)
+		rasprintf(emsg, "Unknown dependency op '%.*s'", (int)(pe - p), p);
+            *leftds = rpmdsFree(*leftds);
+            return RPMCPLXDEPOP_ERROR;
+        }
+	p = pe;
+        if (chainop) {
+	    char *chainstr;
+            *rightds = rpmdsFree(*rightds);
+            if (chainop != op) {
+                *leftds = rpmdsFree(*leftds);
+		if (emsg)
+		    rasprintf(emsg, "Cannot chain different ops");
+                return RPMCPLXDEPOP_ERROR;
+            }
+            if (op == RPMCPLXDEPOP_IF) {
+                *leftds = rpmdsFree(*leftds);
+		if (emsg)
+		    rasprintf(emsg, "Cannot chain IF ops");
+                return RPMCPLXDEPOP_ERROR;
+            }
+	    chainstr = strdup(chainstart - 1);
+	    *chainstr = '(';
+	    p = chainstr;
+	    pe = skipComplexDep(p);
+	    if (*pe)
+		pe++;
+	    ds = singleDS(dep->pool, dep->tagN, 0, 0, flags, 0, 0);
+	    if (ds) {
+		ds->N[0] = rpmstrPoolIdn(ds->pool, p, pe - p, 1);
+		ds->EVR[0] = rpmstrPoolId(ds->pool, "", 1);
+	    }
+	    *rightds = ds;
+	    free(chainstr);
+            return chainop;
+        }
+        while (risspace(*p))
+            p++;
+        if (!chainop)
+            chainstart = p;
+        if (*p == '(') {
+            /* sub-dependency */
+            pe = skipComplexDep(p);
+            if (*pe != ')') {
+		if (emsg)
+		    rasprintf(emsg, "Unterminated complex dependency: '%s'", p);
+                return RPMCPLXDEPOP_ERROR;
+            }
+	    pe++;
+	    ds = singleDS(dep->pool, dep->tagN, 0, 0, flags, 0, 0);
+            if (ds) {
+                ds->N[0] = rpmstrPoolIdn(ds->pool, p, pe - p, 1);
+                ds->EVR[0] = rpmstrPoolId(ds->pool, "", 1);
+            }
+            *rightds = ds;
+	    p = pe;
+        } else if (*p == ')') {
+	    if (emsg)
+		rasprintf(emsg, "Missing argument after complex op");
+        } else {
+	    p = makeSimpleDep(dep, p, rightds);
+	}
+	while (risspace(*p))
+            p++;
+	if (!*p || *p == ')')
+            break;
+        /* chain */
+        chainop = op;
+    }
+    if (!*p) {
+	if (emsg)
+	    rasprintf(emsg, "Complex dependency does not end with ')'");
+	*leftds = rpmdsFree(*leftds);
+	*rightds = rpmdsFree(*rightds);
+    }
+    if (*p != ')') {
+	if (emsg)
+	    rasprintf(emsg, "Complex dependency does not end with ')'");
+	*leftds = rpmdsFree(*leftds);
+	*rightds = rpmdsFree(*rightds);
+    }
+    if (p[1]) {
+	if (emsg)
+	    rasprintf(emsg, "Junk at end of complex dependency");
+	*leftds = rpmdsFree(*leftds);
+	*rightds = rpmdsFree(*rightds);
+    }
+    return op;
diff --git a/lib/rpmds.h b/lib/rpmds.h
index 9b7c908..a30d08e 100644
--- a/lib/rpmds.h
+++ b/lib/rpmds.h
@@ -49,7 +49,8 @@ enum rpmsenseFlags_e {
     RPMSENSE_TRIGGERPREIN = (1 << 25),	/*!< %triggerprein dependency. */
     RPMSENSE_KEYRING	= (1 << 26),
     /* bit 27 unused */
-    RPMSENSE_CONFIG	= (1 << 28)
+    RPMSENSE_CONFIG	= (1 << 28),
+    RPMSENSE_COMPLEX    = (1 << 29)
 typedef rpmFlags rpmsenseFlags;
@@ -87,6 +88,14 @@ typedef rpmFlags rpmsenseFlags;
+typedef enum rpmCplxDepOp_e {
+} rpmCplxDepOp;
 /** \ingroup rpmds
  * Return only those flags allowed for given type of dependencies
  * @param tagN		type of dependency
@@ -454,6 +463,8 @@ rpmds rpmdsSinglePoolTix(rpmstrPool pool, rpmTagVal tagN,
 int rpmdsRpmlibPool(rpmstrPool pool, rpmds * dsp, const void * tblp);
+rpmCplxDepOp rpmdsParseCplxDep(rpmds dep, rpmds *leftds, rpmds *rightds, char **emsg);
 #ifdef __cplusplus

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