[Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] Add support for application private user data in transaction elements (#1366)

Jaroslav Rohel notifications at github.com
Tue Sep 22 10:23:33 UTC 2020

@jrohel commented on this pull request.

>  	as passed e.g. as data arg ts.addInstall()"},
+    {"Priv",	(PyCFunction)rpmte_Priv,	METH_NOARGS,
+     "te.Priv() -- Return associated user data (if any)\n"},
+    {"SetPriv",	(PyCFunction)rpmte_SetPriv,	METH_O,
+     "te.Priv() -- Set associated user data (if any)\n"},

`"te.SetPriv(userdata) -- Set associated user data (if any)\n"`

I prefer `userdata` instead of `priv`.
Example: `SetUserData ()`, `GetUserData ()`/`UserData ()`. Below the `priv`, I can imagine a something other.
And in the callback `void *userdata` instead of` void *priv`.
But that's my feeling.

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